LINCOLN- Nebraskans Against Gun Violence is in favor of removing the allowed open carry of firearms in the state capitol citing an increase in threats to those in the political realm. The group testified in support of the change at last week's legislative rules hearing.
“In a time of increased political violence, including threats and actions, we are asking the Legislature to protect the state government of Nebraska from harm,” said Melody Vaccaro, executive director of the group. “Weapons, including guns, do not belong in political making bodies.” State Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh of Omaha proposed the change, telling the Legislature’s Rules Committee that she was “terrified” in 2020 when two men openly carried semi-automatic assault rifles in the Capitol.
Currently, the open carry of firearms is permitted for anyone in Nebraska age 18 and older, unless prohibited by local government. Some areas, such as schools, are off-limits for open carry. Concealed weapons are banned in the building since the State Supreme Court has courtrooms in the building and concealed arms are banned in courtrooms.
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