LINCOLN- Gov. Pillen gave his first State of the State address before the legislature this week. As Pillen outlined his priorities, it was received with both glee and caution by lawmakers, nonprofits, and organizations.
Senator Clements, who has just taken over leadership of the powerful Appropriations Committee, and with an excess in state revenue, said he’s a little overwhelmed as he’s “wading into deep water” with his new role, but he said he is taking it one day at a time to support Pillen. State Sens. Tom Briese of Albion, Executive Board chair, and Lou Ann Linehan of Elkhorn also praised Pillen for a budget they said was tight enough on spending to offer historic tax relief.
State Sen. Carol Blood of Bellevue, who challenged Pillen for the governor’s seat, said his speech fell flat, giving her “grave concerns” the new governor doesn’t understand how government works. Senator Raybould said her main concern is whether future lawmakers will “have the stomach” to maintain the level of funding needed to continue Pillen’s requests year after year.
Nebraska health care and human services providers joined in a statement against Pillen’s budget proposal saying it “ignores the crisis” their field is facing that “we haven’t seen in generations.” The joint statement was issued by 10 health organizations, including the Children and Families Coalition of Nebraska, Nebraska Hospital Association, Nebraska Rural Health Association and Nebraska Association of Behavioral Health Organizations.
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