LINCOLN- During a Tuesday press conference, newly-elected Gov. Pillen expressed interest in adopting a school choice model for Nebraska, saying that, "We are the last of two states...that don't have school choice. It is a really critical, fundamental thing that's got to happen in Nebraska." Pillen outlined his support for Sen. Linehan's LB753, which would provide up to $25 million a year in income tax credits for "opportunity scholarships" for families that need financial help to attend private schools. 

During the conference, Pillen also stated that, as he built his budget, he made sure to leave room for the "school choice" bill. If passed LB753's dollar-for-dollar tax credit would allow donors to reduce up to half of their income tax liability each year. Linehan, who has 30 co-sponsors on the bill, said Tuesday that "there's nothing more important to a parent than to be able to do the very best for their kid."

However, a good deal of criticism has targeted Linehan's bill, and Gov. Pillen's plan to adopt it. Dunixi Guereca, executive director of Nebraska Stand for Schools, said Linehan's LB753 is more of a tax break for the wealthy than a way to help private education. Guereca went on to state that the contents of the bill are an "out-of-state idea," not tailored to Nebraska's needs. 

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