LINCOLN- As expected, a signature drive to repeal a new and controversial “opportunity scholarships” law has qualified for a public vote on the 2024 general election ballot. The Secretary of State’s Office confirmed that Support Our Schools Nebraska had submitted more than enough valid signatures to force a referendum on LB753, or the Opportunity Scholarships Act.
The law allows taxpayers to designate up to half of their state income tax payment to an organization that provides scholarships to private and parochial, K-12 schools. The entire program is capped at $25 million in the first year, but could eventually grow to $100 million a year. Public school advocates have condemned the law as a roundabout way to funnel public tax dollars to finance private schools.
A Support Our Schools leader said the “overwhelming success” of the signature drive is a clear sign that Nebraskans want a vote on the issue. “This was a decisive victory and the first step to ensure public funds are used to support public schools, not private schools,” said Jenni Benson, who is also president of the Nebraska State Education Association.
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