LINCOLN- Voters in Nebraska now have a no-cost option to obtain alternate identification cards that they’ll need to cast a ballot starting in 2024. Eligible voters who don’t have a state ID or driver’s license can get a free identification card through a Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles licensing office. Nebraskans need a valid photo identification card to cast a vote come May 2024.

After voters in 2022 approved a constitutional amendment to require voter ID, state lawmakers passed LB514 this year. Matt Coatney, Nebraska’s driver's license services administrator, said the DMV immediately started issuing the free cards under a provision that allows people to get a free identification card for voting purposes. State IDs can cost from $10 to $29, but will be waived for voting purposes.

To get a voter ID, applicants just need to mark on their application that they are seeking the card for voting purposes, and then it’s free, Coatney said. This leaves the door open for people who want a state ID to get one through the voter ID process and avoid paying a fee, but Adam Morfeld, former lawmaker and executive director of Civic Nebraska, said he trusts Nebraskans to be honest.

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