LINCOLN- With less than three months until the Iowa Caucuses, and Nebraska's primary election coming up in May, both states' election officials took the time to highlight the integrity of their ballot systems. "If they don't feel like we're getting the job done, that can be just as devastating," said Paul Pate, Iowa's Secretary of State, "Then they don't have the confidence in the system."
The integrity of many states' ballot systems came under fire following the 2020 election, which later prompted the January 6th Insurrection, despite the fact that many different courts debunked claims of widespread election fraud. Last year, Nebraska Secretary of State Bob Evnen's office created a "FAKE vs. FACT" section on the Secretary's website, sharing data on why 12 different claims of election fraud in Nebraska were wrong.
"Our election commissions across the state hand-counted 48,000 ballots and found discrepancies with 11 ballots," said Evnen, "and five of those were the result of voters who didn't darken the oval. Nebraska has very secure elections, and our elections are a model for the nation." The 2024 election will be the first in Nebraska to require voters to present a valid ID, a newly-implemented law its supporters say will help to deter election fraud.
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