LINCOLN- Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers announced this week that his office is working to crackdown on deceptive THC-containing products called Delta 8. To that end, the state has filed 10 lawsuits in Platte, Scotts Bluff, Hall, Madison, Lancaster, Sarpy, Lincoln, Saline, Keith, and Dawes Counties.

Hilgers said the marketing on such laced products appeals to kids. One such example they have seen includes a laced rice cereal treat.

“No one who is buying these knows what’s in it,” he said during the news conference. Hilgers said the state tested 100 such products and found that only 15% of them were accurate in their labeled ingredients — and potency.

“It’s a game of Russian roulette that Nebraskans are losing,” he said. He stressed that the products have not been deemed safe by any Nebraska or regulatory body. In fact, he said synthetically produced THCs including Delta 8 are even unlawful in states where marijuana has been legalized or decriminalized recreational marijuana or there are significant limits on their use.

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