LINCOLN- Nineteen Nebraska communities have been awarded a collective $6.18 million in community development block grant funds to help spruce up their downtowns. The CDBG awards provide support to projects that upgrade amenities, enhance public health and safety and economic well-being, said K.C. Belitz, director of the Nebraska Department of Economic Development.

“In today’s economic climate, people attraction is our top priority,” Belitz said in a media statement. “When making career decisions, working professionals increasingly consider the place right alongside the job.” The program is federally funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and administered by the DED on behalf of “non-entitlement communities.”

The entitlement cities of Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue and Grand Island administer their own CDBG program for their areas. The funds are going to three categories including downtown revitalization efforts, planning efforts, and public works. Beatrice, Columbus, Cozad, Falls City, Fremont, and Norfolk all received the most money with $435,000 awarded.

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