LINCOLN- Several law enforcement agencies across the state are looking into another issue with their emergency phone lines. Multiple departments said they were unable to take 911 calls for about an hour this week. The Lincoln Police Department was one of the agencies impacted and it said it’s looking into the issue.
This isn’t the first time law enforcement has had to deal with this problem this year either. There were two statewide outages back in August and September, both caused by issues at local communication companies. The Nebraska Public Service Commission launched it’s own investigation in September, while the City of Lincoln announced new emergency tech to help out.
Senator John Fredrickson, who’s on the legislature’s transportation and telecommunications committee, said in September that something had to be done to protect people in an emergency. “How do we not have a backup in place?” he asked. “What is that backup plan? And not just plan A or plan B, but really plan C, D, E, and even F.”
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