LINCOLN- Lancaster County Election Commissioner Todd Wiltgen is encouraging residents to apply for the 2024 Election Day Board, which allows them to earn the same civil leave on Election Day as those chosen for jury duty do. To be eligible, workers must be registered to vote and be able to work on Election Day from 7:00 A.M. to shortly after 8:00 P.M..

They are also required to have good eyesight, hearing, and the ability to sit for extended periods of time. "There is nothing more fundamental in America than our right to vote," said Wiltgen, "We are grateful for the hundreds of election workers who serve on Election Day, ensuring we continue having safe and secure elections."

The updated application is available on the election commission's website, and training will be available online prior to each election. Election Board workers will also be paid for their hours worked. Lancaster County is home to nearly 200 precincts, and requires more than 1,100 Election Day Board workers to function efficiently.

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