LINCOLN- Beginning January 1st, the minimum wage in Nebraska will increase by $1.50 and sit at $12 an hour, the result of a ballot measure passed last year to make gradual increases to the minimum pay that must be provided to employees. An initiative launched by Raise the Wage Nebraska helped to qualify the issue for the 2022 ballot, which passed by a margin of 6-to-4.
Nebraska is among 20 states that are increasing their minimum wage next year. In 2024, the minimum hourly wage for tipped employees will remain at $2.13 an hour, but employees are meant to ensure that wages and tips for such workers, when combined, equal at least the new state minimum wage.
Over the next three years, the minimum wage will increase by an additional $1.50 each year. Starting January 1st, 2025, employers will now be required to pay $13.50 an hour. On January 1st, 2026, that number will rise to $15 per hour. Finally, on January 1st, 2027, the minimum wage increase, if it's determined to be necessary, will be based on the cost-of-living increase as measured by the Consumer Price Index.
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