LINCOLN- A new law that will not require motorcyclists to wear helmets is just days away from taking effect here in Nebraska. Starting on January 1st, riders over the age of 21 can choose to not wear a helmet once they complete a safety course. This comes after the state’s helmet law was passed in the first legislative session back in May.

“A lot of people are real upset they’ve been riding for 30 to 40 years and they don’t think they can learn something new,” said Stephanie Politt with the Harley-Davidson Riding Academy. “I want people to look at it as an opportunity to become a better rider.” Politt says she’s been getting lots of calls ever since the law passed, and that she and her team have gotten creative to help veteran and non-veteran riders.

“We’ve added a lot more of our intermediate rider courses,” Politt said. “This is a course that is on your own motorcycle and it’s only 11 hours of time instead of the 22 hours which is what a basic rider’s course would be.” The courses focus on skill and teach the nuts and bolts of motorcycle and helmet safety. Once riders pass the safety course, they legally have the option to ride their motorcycle without a helmet, but they will still be required to wear some type of protective eye wear.

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