LINCOLN- Senator Wishart has been pushing for medical marijuana in Nebraska nearly her entire time in office. LB588 was before the Judiciary Committee on Thursday where Senator Wishart said, "We will go back to the ballot if this fails." If all signatures were collected, the initiative would place medical marijuana on the ballot in a presidential election year.
Wishart’s LB 588 would legalize medical marijuana to treat a specific list of illnesses and medical conditions, including chronic pain, brain injuries, seizures, autism, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease and PTSD. It would allow for six medical cannabis stores, three per congressional district, and all would have to contract with a registered Nebraska pharmacist, she said.
The bill received the majority of testimony in the proponent category. The handful of opponents who testified against LB 588 included new Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers and Lancaster County Attorney Pat Condon. The Committee also heard LB22 and LB634, which aim to decriminalize marijuana and allow for the growth and distribution of the drug.
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