LINCOLN- Denny Vaggalis, a Lincoln-based attorney, former legislative aide, and policy adviser to former Gov. Pete Ricketts, announced last Friday that he will be a 2024 candidate for the District 25 legislative seat that will be vacated by Sen. Suzanne Geist. Geist, who is term-limited, and therefore must leave her seat following the next Nebraska election, is challenging Lincoln May Leirion Gaylor Baird in this year's Lincoln mayoral race.
Vaggalis, age 33, described himself as "a conservative Republican attorney." He previously served as policy adviser for Gov. Ricketts, and focused primarily on criminal justice, public safety, economic development, and agriculture. Vaggalis also served previously as legal counsel for former Speakers of the Legislature Jim Scheer and Mike Hilgers.
Currently, Vaggalis serves as a legislative aide for Sen. Beau Ballard. Vaggalis said in a statement that, as state senator, he would "use [his] experience to fight for conservative solutions that empower parents, taxpayers, and entrepreneurs." He went on to state, "I support a parent's right to determine the best education environment for their child, whether public, private or home school. Finally, and importantly, I'm pro-life and believe every child deserves a loving home."
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