LINCOLN — The annual battle over whether to devote public funds to private schools was renewed Friday at the Nebraska Legislature, with testimony extending into the evening.
Nebraska is one of only two states that doesn’t allow “school choice” by extending public state funds to private schools. Backers of parochial and private schools said Friday that the state should provide tax credits for donations to private school scholarships to help families have that choice.
State Sen. Lou Ann Linehan sponsored LB753, the Opportunity Scholarships Act. The bill, Linehan’s fifth attempt at the idea, includes a new provision this year, one that seeks to prioritize the scholarships for low-income families and for children with special needs or those who have experienced bullying.
Opponents said that LB 753 creates a more generous tax break for donors to such scholarships than for other causes and that about 70% of such aid benefits current – and not additional — private school students.
“If you want to help children, fully fund public schools,” said Williams, voicing a comment repeated by several opponents of the bill. They included Superintendent Cheryl Logan of the Omaha Public Schools and former State Sen. Brenda Council.
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