LINCOLN- Following the 2020 presidential election, concerns over fraudulent voting came to a head after more people than usual utilized mail-in ballots to cast their vote. Because of this, two Nebraska senators have introduced three measures to increase election security in the state, despite little to no account of voter fraud. The bills include LB457, introduced by Sen. Rick Holdcoft, and LB's 193 and 808, introduced by Sen. Steve Halloran. 

The three bills, if passed, would require all voting machine parts to be manufactured in the United States, implement video recording devices in all voting locations, and give counties the option to hand re-count future races instead of utilizing machine counting, should they so choose. Supporters of the proposals based their arguments on the claim that several individuals in Nebraska received mail-in ballots for people who no longer live in the state, as well as fears that new technology could allow unauthorized individuals to tamper with voting machines. 

"As long as we have machines in use, in any form, we cannot be guaranteed 100% that we have accurate, total, truthful, elections," said Lina Vermooten, a supporter of the three bills. Despite these concerns, Nebraska Secretary of Stata Bob Evnen has gone on record saying that the state's elections, thus far, have been perfectly fair and trustworthy. 

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