LINCOLN- According to several reports issued earlier this month by the Nebraska Farm Bureau, the state exported $9.2 billion worth of agricultural commodities in 2021, more than $2 billion more than in 2020. Austin Harthoorn, a Nebraska Farm Bureau economist, said that 2021 was the first time that Nebraska's ag exports have topped $9 billion, and only the fourth time in state history that they topped $7 billion.
Corn was the top export according to the reports, and accounted for $2.34 billion of the total amount, a 98% increase over 2020 and by far the highest amount ever recorded. Kelly Brunkhorst, director of the Nebraska Corn Board, said there were two factors that worked in Nebraska's favor.
"First, the price of corn moved higher, and secondly, there was great demand from both China and Mexico," said Brunkhorst, "Together those factor into the higher value of Nebraska corn exports." Soybeans have been the top export from the state for the past two years, but came in at second in 202, with $1.91 billion, essentially the same amount as in 2020.
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