LINCOLN- The Nebraska State Suicide Prevention Coalition is looking to get the word out about their "My Companion" app designed to help young people cope with mental health issues and prevent youth suicide. The app is Nebraska based and has helped over 700 users since launching a year ago.
The coalition is placing an emphasis on the app's importance as youth mental health continues to be a growing concern in the state. The app has four main features: reflections, connections, resources and emergency. Dr. Dave Meirs, senior director of behavioral health services at Bryan Medical Center, said the whole idea behind the app is it provides connection amongst the community.
The app is based on a similar Utah app and its development began in Nebraska in 2018. Utah has reported a drop in the number of youths who were expressing suicidal thoughts. In Nebraska, suicide is the leading cause of death among people between ages 15 and 24. Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the state.
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