LINCOLN- Nebraska is sitting on around $200 million in unclaimed property tax credits, which come from a fund set up in 2021 that is supposed to provide direct property tax relief to citizens. "I would say the average is between $800 and a thousand this year" per household, said Nebraska Department of Revenue interim Director Glenn White.
"The money that isn't claimed is basically sitting right in the state's checking account," continued White. On top of that, according to the Department of Revenue, Nebraska is sitting on an additional $45 million in unclaimed credits from 2020. State Sen. Tom Briese, who sponsored the bill in 2020 that created the credit fund, said he'd like to see more people claim their credits.
"And those dollars are substantial. We're talking about 25 to 30% of your school district property taxes paid," said Briese, "and a percentage of your community college taxes paid." Last week, certain Nebraska senators attempted to use some of that unclaimed funding to fund other methods of property tax relief, but were met with stiff opposition from Briese and others.
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