LINCOLN- Following eight hours of debate on Tuesday, the Nebraska Legislature voted 46-0 to advance LB92, a comprehensive insurance bill that includes 16 other pieces of legislation, to its second round debate. Introduced originally by Sen. Julie Slama, LB92 would eliminate a requirement for insurance agents regarding their annual reviews.
The remaining 16 bills cover a wide range of issues, including lowering the costs of insulin and mammograms, encouraging grants for affordable housing, and providing financial incentives for semiconductor manufacturing. If passed, the package would cost the state around $32.3 million, according to all of the bill's fiscal notes.
A package like LB92 is quite rare for a normal session, but this is an unprecedented legislative session in many ways. Speaker of the Legislature John Arch said he had recommended that all of the bills be combined into LB92, since many of them are simply "good government bills." "It's not unprecedented," Arch said of the large package of bills, "but it is unusual."
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