LINCOLN- After being awarded $17.4 million in Federal Aviation Administration grants, several Nebraska regional airports will see rebuilt runways, taxiways or hangars. The grants to airports in Ainsworth, Burwell, Norfolk, North Platte, Scottsbluff, Sidney and Wayne are part of the FAA’s second round of Airport Improvement Program grants.
Scottsbluff’s Western Nebraska Regional Airport received the largest single grant: $12.1 million to mill and resurface Runway 12/30, the 8,200-foot runway used for instrument landings. The next-largest grant, for $2.9 million, was awarded to the North Platte Regional Airport for the reconstruction of a taxiway. At the four other airports, grants will go toward the construction of new hangars.
NDOT assisted the airport authorities in applying for the grants and will help administer the funds as the projects progress, said Ann Richart, director of the department’s Aeronautics Division. “We’re happy to be able to partner with the FAA Central Region in Kansas City to get this essential grant funding to our airports,” Richart said in the press release.
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