LINCOLN- On Friday, Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen lauded the passage of Sen. Anna Wishart's LB276, stating that it "will help transform mental health and substance abuse services" in the state. The bill, according to Wishart, would clear a path for certification of community behavioral health clinics that would provide increased access to medication-assisted treatment while expanding community partnerships with law enforcement, the justice system, and local schools.
"We must come together to solve tough problems, and mental health and substance abuse are tough problems," said Pillen, "LB276 is a no-brainer." LB276 will launch the new program in 2025, and requests up to $4.5 million out of the state's general fund. The bill, once signed by Gov. Pillen, would allow qualifying providers to seek daily or monthly reimbursements for certain treatments, potentially allowing providers to hire more staff and increase access to timely care.
Wishart, as well as several other senators in support of the bill, believe the measure will help fill gaps in communities where access to mental health and substance abuse care are lacking, and will provide more holistic treatments for those who need them. The bill was enacted on a 46-0 vote, with almost every senator in support of the intent of the bill.
On Thursday, Gov. Jim Pillen, who was joined by Sens. Wishart and Fredrickson, the latter of whom works as a mental health professional, as well as a handful of Department of Health and Human Services employees and directors, signed LB276 into law. "It is important that we offer help to Nebraskans who suffer from mental health issues and substance abuse problems," said Pillen prior to signing the bill, "This piece of legislation will help transform mental health and substance abuse services in Nebraska. Other states that have adopted CCBHCs have called the results transformational, and that is why signing this legislation is a no-brainer for Nebraska."
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