LINCOLN- On Thursday, the Nebraska Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee voted 4-2 to advance the controversial appointment of Dr. Timothy Tesmer, who will now serve as the state's new chief medical officer. Tesmer, an ear, nose, and throat doctor, graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center and has practiced in Kentucky, Missouri, and Colorado before establishing a private practice in Lincoln. "I wrote policy, I set standards, and I ensured that my team met those standards," Tesmer told the committee, "These are the skills that I bring to this role today."

Much of Tesmer's confirmation hearing centered around how he would approach the authority granted to him under LB574, the controversial trans care and abortion ban. The authority to decide Nebraska's stance on puberty blockers and hormone therapy was designated to Tesmer after the enactment of LB574 on Monday. Tesmer told the committee that the final rules and regulations that his agency decides on relating to these treatments will be "evidence-based and reasonable."

Sen. Walz, an HHS Committee member, asked Tesmer if he would be willing to review her proposed rules and regulations surrounding puberty blockers and hormone therapy, which she had drafted alongside Sens. John Fredrickson and John Cavanaugh prior to the passage of LB574. "I would be willing to look at that," responded Tesmer, "But I have to apply that to the boundaries of the context of the law." Two doctors, Dr. Helen Grace and Dr. Alex Dworak, both testified in a neutral capacity following Tesmer's own testimony, and offered their guidance as Tesmer crafts the rules surrounding these gender-affirming treatments.

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