LINCOLN- Gov. Jim Pillen officially signed LB753, also dubbed 'opportunity scholarships'. The bill has been in the works for several years under the wing of Sen. Lou Ann Linehan. “Now when a child in your family or your neighbor’s child or their niece or nephew needs help, you’ll be able to point them in a place where they can find hope,” Linehan said at the bill’s signing.
In its first year, LB 753 would set aside $25 million in tax credits toward scholarships designed to support families of students who otherwise could not attend private schools — a “choice” between public and private schools. The bill sets up a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for individuals or corporations who donate to a “scholarship granting organization” distributing such scholarships for parochial and private schools.
If demand is through the roof, the limit could grow to $100 million in future years. The Nebraska State Education Association has already vowed to work to repeal the law and has laid the groundwork for collecting voter signatures to place the issue on the ballot. Pillen responded to this by saying “Last time I checked, we’re supposed to support every one of our kids so they get the education that they deserve to become an incredible Nebraskan and give back to the state of Nebraska." He also called the $25 million a "drop in the bucket" compared to public schools funding.
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