LINCOLN- According to its most recent campaign finance report, the newly-created organization Paid Sick Leave for Nebraskans has brought in over $509,000 in donations between June and July, with the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a national organization promoting economic equity, donating $475,000 of that total.
The Sixteen Thirty Fund, despite being a national group, is no stranger to helping out petition efforts in Nebraska. In 2020, the organization donated a substantial amount of money to a Nebraska-based group seeking to cap interest rates charged by payday lenders and increase the state's minimum wage. Both of these initiatives were placed on the ballot, and both were passed by Nebraska's voters.
A state-mandated paid sick leave requirement, as with capping payday loan interest rates and raising the minimum wage, is an idea that has been brought up repeatedly in the Nebraska Legislature. The current proposal, which, with enough signatures, could end up on the 2024 ballot, would ensure paid sick leave for all Nebraska workers.
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