LA VISTA- On Sunday, Riley Gaines, a now-infamous college swimmer who tied for fifth at the 2022 NCAA championship against Lia Thomas, a transgender swimmer, told a large crowd Sunday to consider pushing for further transgender sports bans in Nebraska. Gaines has testified before Congress and various state legislatures, describing women's sports as one issue in a fight against what she called "textbook Marxism."

"Me, myself, as a Christian, what I see this as is entirely spiritual warfare," Gaines told the crowd of Nebraskans, "This really is no longer right versus wrong or good versus bad. This is moral versus evil." Other attendees at the event included state Sens. Barry DeKay, Carolyn Bosn, Tom Brewer, Rob Clements, Loren Lippincott, Myron Dorn, and Brad von Gillern, as well state Board of Education member Kirk Penner, former gubernatorial candidate Charles Herbseter, and multiple candidates for office next year.

Bill and Evonne Williams, owners of the nonprofit Patriot Productions, hosted the event, saying that it was "not about hating transgenders," but about a "common sense" topic. While Gaines' story centered around college athletics, Sen. Kauth's LB575, which is expected to be taken up next year in the Legislature, would define school sports as either male of female based on sex assigned at birth for K-12 Nebraska students.

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