LINCOLN- Despite the fact that Support Our Schools Nebraska, an anti-school choice tax credit organization, was able to garner enough signatures to place an initiative that could repeal Nebraska's new scholarship tax credit law on the 2024 general election ballot, some proponents of the tax credits are calling the signature drive a victory of sorts.
This is because Support Our Schools failed to obtain the 122,000 signatures necessary to stop the bill from taking effect on January 1st, 2024. "When the bill takes effect, we look forward to the first round of scholarships reaching children in need for the 2024-2025 school year," said Tom Venzor, director of the Nebraska Catholic Conference, an organization in support of the new law.
Keep Kids First, a group formed in opposition to Support Our Schools, also celebrated the semi-victory. "Our goal has always been to help as many kids as possible as quickly as possible, and we can do that now," Keep Kids First said in a statement following the deadline of the petition drive. Opponents of the tax credit answered these celebrations with a shrug, noting that the new law could be repealed before 2025, when contributors can begin claiming tax credits.
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