LINCOLN- Thursday, February 1st was "Unclaimed Property Day" in the state of Nebraska, and State Treasurer Tom Briese encouraged citizens to check online at to reclaim their lost property and cash being held by the state. In 2022 alone, the Treasurer's Office, which operates the website, received $29.4 million worth of lost property.
Of that amount, people checking the website or calling the State Treasurer's Office were able to claim $18.2 million. "I encourage everyone to look for your name," announced Briese on Thursday, "Look for family members. Look for friends and neighbors as well. Let them know if you see something."
The Treasurer's office verifies a person's identity before returning lost items. Briese said he has personally never found any property tied to his name on the site, but that it has helped family members and friends find lost property. "We're here to try to get the dollars back to the rightful owners," said Briese, "And I would certainly encourage everyone to get online and see if they can find something there."
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