LINCOLN- On Monday, a hearing was held before the Legislature's Education Committee over Sen. Danielle Conrad's LB1050, which would require school districts to provide menstrual products in girls' bathrooms or locker rooms by the 2025-26 school year. The bill, which did not include an appropriation, is expected by the Nebraska Department of Education to cost $750,000 annually.

The Legislature previously removed a sales tax on menstrual supplies and provided menstrual products to incarcerated women and girls, which Conrad described as the first steps. Alyssa Capek, a Nebraska eighth grader, told the Education Committee that it can be "traumatic and embarrassing" for girls when their school lacks adequate menstrual products.

"Once female students hit puberty, we're given this insurmountable task of being our own nurses and our own janitors," said another testifier, Cassidy Bell, "And because we don't talk about it, we girls never say to each other, 'Maybe it doesn't have to be like this.'" The Nebraska State Education Association, Nebraska Association of School Board, and ACLU of Nebraska all testified in support of the proposal.

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