LINCOLN- On Wednesday, Sen. Fredrickson's LB856, which would make all child care workers eligible for their own child care aid, regardless of income, advanced in the Nebraska Legislature. To qualify, a worker would need to work at least 20 hours per week in direct child care at a licensed center or Early Head Start Program or as a licensed, self-employed child care provider.
If passed, the program would start three months after the Legislature adjourns this year and end in October of 2026. Fredrickson described the bill as "simple and measurable," and argued that the proposal would tackle both workforce and child care needs. The bill is based on a similar piece of Legislation that brought in more child care workers in Kentucky.
Two amendments adopted alongside the bill on Wednesday would cap LB856 at $10 million annually, which Fredrickson said would be a "fiscally responsible" but "prudent investment." Sen. Mike Jacobson said during debate that this bill could be the first to addressing the broader labor shortage in Nebraska, which plagues many industries besides child care.
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