LINCOLN- Conversations about water fluoridation may be on the horizon for more Nebraska cities or villages, in light of a legislative proposal under consideration. LB1387, introduced by Sen. Ben Hansen, would set up a referendum vote on whether communities should fluoridate their water supply, which is meant to fight tooth decay. In 2008, the Legislature mandated fluoridation for certain cities.

Beginning Jan. 1, 2025, LB1387 would require cities or villages to opt-in through an ordinance and a vote of its residents at the next regular election. It’s unclear whether communities already fluoridating would need to adopt another ordinance or put it to a vote; Hansen said they wouldn’t have to end fluoridation in the meantime. Hansen said communities should get to decide if they want the chemical.

“Our water systems are not to be used for drug distribution,” Hansen said at a hearing on the bill last Thursday. Testifying in opposition to Hansen’s bill were dentists from Nebraska, such as Dr. Jessica Meeske, a pediatric dentist in Hastings, who said it does not make sense for communities to reaffirm the decision to put fluoride in the public water supply.

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