LINCOLN- Last Friday, former Secretary of Defense Chuck Habel joined a Nebraska legislative push to expand the number and types of wayward veterans who can access some of the structure and support provided by problem-solving courts. Hagel and several veterans advocates spoke during a Judiciary Committee hearing on AM2668, which would amend Legislative Bill 253.
Hagel told senators that American justice needs to find better tools to deal with veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, tools that would have helped Vietnam, Korea, and World War II veterans. "We have had so many deployments over the last 20 years, and veterans have had so many redeployments going back," said Hagel, "It's unfair, I think, for all veterans to be treated the same way by the justice system."
The proposal would allow every Nebraska state court to connect veterans with some of the wraparound services offered by separate veterans courts. The proposal would also rely on the federal Veterans Administration for services such as mental health counseling and medical help, rather than services provided by Nebraska's county problem-solving courts.
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