LINCOLN- "I believe in the principle that all individuals have the inherent right to protect themselves and their loved ones from harm," said state Sen. Brian Hardin. He's proposed LB1269, which gives Nebraska a "Stand Your Ground" law. Hardin said it would line Nebraska up with 38 other states, including all surrounding states, that have case law or written laws that support Stand Your Ground rights.

"The main goal is provide an avenue that an individual who's already a victim of a crime and had to use force in self-defense is not also victimized by the legal system," Hardin said. Nebraska has what's known as Castle Doctrine on the books in its self-defense laws. This allows somebody to protect their home or dwelling. But Hardin said it doesn't go far enough. LB1269 would give a person the right to self-defense wherever they have a legal right to be.

"Requiring a duty to retreat imposes an unrealistic expectation on a person to make a split-second decision about their safety," he said. The bill was supported by many gun rights advocates and has 16 other co-sponsors. Kleine, a Republican, believes the current law already allows for the use of deadly force when necessary. He said the bill would create problems in Omaha because of gang activity.

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