LINCOLN- Americans for Prosperity Nebraska, one of the state's most active conservative political groups, recently started mailing material to voters opposing Gov. Pillen's plan to offset property taxes by increasing the state sales tax rate. This week, the group is set to begin airing radio and television ads as well, the same week that the Legislature is set to announce its 2024 tax relief proposal.
According to AFP Nebraska, door-to-door engagement with voters will also be utilized in the future. "We're trying to educate the public about the tax shift scheme and warn them that it's a bad deal," said John Gage, AFP Nebraska's executive director, "We shouldn't be shifting taxes and calling it a tax cut because that's not what it is."
One of the AFP radio ads, set in a rural Nebraska diner, has one farmer telling another that the state is "trying to pass the largest tax increase in Nebraska history." A mailer from the organization also says Nebraska lawmakers are trying to pass "over $1 billion in new taxes." A Pillen spokeswoman responded Monday by saying Nebraska's property taxes are at a crisis level.
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