LINCOLN- A state legislative committee moved closer to finalizing a much-anticipated property tax relief bill, with a key senator saying it might not reach the goal of $1 billion in relief sought by Gov. Jim Pillen. The Legislature’s Revenue Committee also got a bit of homework this week: a list outlining possible sales tax exemptions to eliminate, and what size increase to prefer in state sales taxes.
“Go through them. Tell me ‘yes,’ ‘no’ or ‘maybe,’ ” said State Sen. Lou Ann Linehan, who chairs the powerful committee that crafts state tax policy. Later, she gave this assessment of where things stand on the top priority of the 2024 session: “I think we’re making some progress.” The homework came after a closed-door meeting with the Committee members and Gov. Pillen.
Manu of Pillen's ideas has faced a rough reception in the Legislature. Business and retail groups howled that eliminating tax exemptions on soda pop and candy, legal and accounting services, and farm repair parts would hurt Nebraska outlets and force transactions across the border. A multitude of organizations have argued that the move would be a tax shift rather than tax relief.
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