OMAHA- A program, previously connected to the Greater Omaha Chamber, that seeks to offer a different twist to addressing the state's workforce woes has gone solo, in part to try and reach farther across Nebraska. Known previously as GrOW, the program, which began in 2019, has grown to a team of eight and is now an independent entity called The Work Lab Inc.
According to Chad Mares, a former Coca-Cola human relations director who helped launch the program, and who currently still exists as the entity's executive director, Work Lab services are distinct because they focus on attending to more personal challenges for employees rather than those directly related to their job.
The program uses trained "WorkLife Coaches," who meet with employees at the job site to talk through matters that can range from family and friend relationships to money demands and housing needs. Mares described the coaching services as providing a "bridge" between employee's personal and professional life.
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