LINCOLN- On Tuesday, Nebraska lawmakers advanced Sen. Hardin's LB1120, which curbs the purchase of property in eight Panhandle counties by anyone connected with a country or person determined by the federal government to be a foreign adversary. More specifically, the bill would require land buyers in those counties to file an affidavit certifying that they are not affiliated with any foreign adversary.
Hardin argued that the measure is necessary as the federal government prepared to update its Minuteman III missiles. Nebraska's Panhandle is home to 80 missile launch sites and nine later facilities. "We've seen purchases of land in very interesting ways by very interesting people," said Hardin.
Hardin also said that he knows of at least seven purchases in which buyers from different states offered up to four times the market rate and paid for Nebraska land with "a briefcase full of cash." Those properties, argued Hardin, were located near the missile sites. The foreign adversaries on the federal government's current list include China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and the Venezuelan politician Nicolas Maduro.
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