LINCOLN- A proposal to shorten the maximum duration of unemployment benefits in Nebraska from 26 weeks to 16 weeks met tough opposition on Tuesday in the Nebraska Legislature. Several lawmakers argued that the state was aiming to cut benefits for the state's poorest while enacting policy that benefited corporations and the wealthy.
"We fight over nickels and dimes and pennies in this place when it comes to poverty," said Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh, who led the filibuster against Sen. Riepe's LB1170, "and we give money away like it's a free-for-all when it comes to the most wealthy." Riepe, however, portrayed the reduction as a way to get more people back into the workforce.
"While it's important to support Nebraskans in finding work that aligns with their experience and provides fair compensation, it's also crucial to recognize that, at a certain point, individuals may need to accept available work opportunities," said Riepe. According to the fiscal note for LB1170, such a change would reduce the total unemployment benefits provided by the state by roughly $23 million.
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