LINCOLN- The governor's pick to lead the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Steve Corsi, has advanced to the floor of the Legislature. Corsi's February appointment hearing before the Legislature's Health and Human Services Committee devolved at times from agency goals to discussions of social media activity, religion, and sin.

These off-topic discussion items were brought off by Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh, who questioned Corsi over past comments he had made on social media. Cavanaugh had also shared several legal allegations against Corsi during the hearing, prompting Sen. Brian Hardin to ask the committee's legal staff to "turn over some rocks and some leaves and take a look at what was underneath."

Many of the legal allegations, which weren't confirmed during the hearing, surrounded child support and Medicaid payments. However, as Sen. Hardin pointed out, "There were no convictions in the course of any of what he was accused of." On Thursday, the committee voted 4-2 to advance Corsi's appointment. A majority of the full Legislature must now vote to confirm him.

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