LINCOLN- According to anonymous sources, former Pres. Donald Trump picked up a phone last week to personally pressure Sen. Tom Brewer, chair of the Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee, to revive a bill that would implement a winner-take-all electoral system in Nebraska. Trump, according to the sources, urged Brewer to take action on the bill before the Legislature adjourns for the year.
Brewer allegedly responded that it doesn't work that way, as the deadline to vote a bill out committee and advance it through the Legislature has passed. In addition, Speaker of the Legislature John Arch said Friday that it's too late to amend a bill into a package. Trump then reportedly told Brewer that his political career was over.
When asked about the call, Chris LaCivita, the co-manager of Trump's campaign, said Trump "absolutely, 110% did not speak with anyone in the State of Nebraska in the last six weeks." Brewer, when asked, said it was a private conversation and that he would not comment on it. Three state senators, who asked to remain anonymous, said they heard the story of the call directly from Brewer.
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