WASHINGTON, D.C.- On Wednesday, U.S. Sens. Deb Fischer and Pete Ricketts, along with U.S. Rep. Adrian Smith, announced the introduction of legislation that would allow for the transfer of cabin areas at Swanson and Red Willow Resevoirs to Hitchcock County and Frontier County, respectively.
Previously, controversy had erupted after the current owner of the cabin areas, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, had sought to remove the privately owned cabins and trailer situated by the reservoirs to make way for a proposed slate of campground improvements. That order did not sit well with cabin owners.
Under the new bill, Hitchcock and Frontier Counties would have three years to purchase the two cabin sites. If they choose to do so, they would be expected to manage the two areas and benefit from the lease payments and concession fees paid. Fischer said the legislation "charts a better path forward for the local community and the federal government."
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