LINCOLN- While former Pres. Donald Trump easily won Nebraska's May Primary Election, collecting 80% of the statewide vote, one in five Republicans who cast a ballot opted for another candidate, while thousands more abstained entirely from voting. Nebraska's Primary results reflect outcomes seen in other states, where the former president has struggled to win over moderate Republicans.
Despite dropping out, former candidate Nikki Haley received 36,872 votes in the Nebraska Republican Primary, giving her nearly 18% of the total. Haley also saw her share of the vote exceed 20% in five Nebraska counties, including Lancaster County. Douglas County saw 23.2% of its presidential vote go to Haley as well.
Other signs that Nebraska Republicans are hesitant to support Trump's campaign include the fact that 8,400 voters who cast a vote in each of the state's Senate races did not fill out the presidential section of the ballot. Following the release of Primary results, the Nebraska GOP released a statement saying it was concerned by "the relatively low participation by voters" compared to previous election cycles.
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