OMAHA- This week, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced reserving $1 million in television advertising time in Nebraska's 2nd District U.S. House race in support of State Senator Tony Vargas. The group noted that it had yet to reserve any time by this point in the 2022 election cycle when Vargas and Republican U.S. Representative Don Bacon first faced off. Both candidates are looking to emulate their 2022 campaigns through large donations.

This sizable portion of the DCCC's initial $28 million in advertisement reservations indicates that the district will be a target for the group despite its tendency to lean right. They reserved television advertisements for swing-district House candidates in 15 broadcast markets, including Omaha, and digital advertisements in 21 states, including Nebraska. Nationally, the group set aside $16 million for television advertisements and $12 million for digital advertisements.

Major investment is expected in the 2nd District partially because party investments will also help presidential candidates with their campaigns. While both President Biden and Donald Trump have begun staffing campaigns in the district, the National Republican Congressional Committee is still in the process of announcing its first major advertisement reservations. Separate pledges from other committees and funds are continually being added to each of the 2nd District's congressional candidates' campaigns.

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