LINCOLN- The Lincoln Airport Authority's newly proposed 2024-25 budget, issued Monday, calls for a mill levy request of 3.1 cents, a significant increase from last year's 1.43 cent ask. A public hearing to discuss the budget was held on Thursday. It is expected to spark passionate debate, said Board Chairman John Olsson.
"This could find angst with some people quite possibly," said Olsson, "As a board, we're trying to be responsible, to be good steward, manage our infrastructure--make sure it's taken care of, and hopefully allow for some growth." The last time the Authority raised its property tax levy was in 2021, at a rate of 1.75 cents, with the instance before that occurring in 1986.
The proposed property tax increase would cost Lancaster County property owners $31 per $100,000 of valuation each year. The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and Lincoln Independent Business Association are expected to appear during the public hearing, with Board Member Nicki Behmer Popp, a real estate agent, noting that valuations are expected to increase by 5-7% this year.
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