LINCOLN- The Nebraska Public Service Commission announced that it had entered into a five-year contract with RapidSOS in a move expected by commissioners to enhance the state's emergency response capabilities. According to a release, the agreement will bring RapidSOS' UNITE service to all 67 Public Safety Answering Points across the state.
UNITE is designed to enhance the Next Generation 911 system by providing critical caller location information to 911 centers, even in cases where wireless carriers fail to deliver the call. The service is expected to significantly improve emergency response times and accuracy.
"Many Nebraska PSAPs currently utilize RapidSOS," said State 911 Director David Sankey, "Elevating all PSAPs to the company's UNITE modules will provide even more tools to supplement caller location capabilities should a disruption in wireless service occur." With over 80% of emergency calls now originating from wireless devices, UNITE is viewed as a step in modernizing Nebraska's emergency response infrastructure.
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