LINCOLN- In the final days for petitioners to gather signatures for their ballot initiative, Nebraskans are not taking the deceptive tactics of some groups lightly. There have been at least 14 complaints filed against petition circulators, driven mostly by competing abortion-related groups. Protect Our Rights is a petition group seeking to put abortion rights in the constitution while other groups like Protect Women and Children and Now Choose Life want to restrict, limit, or ban abortion access in the state.
Observers have noticed more social media posts alleging bad behavior from petition circulators. This includes some individuals being berated in public by pushy petitioners as well as refusing to read the petition language aloud before getting a signature, which is against the law. “It’s not unusual to get a few complaints about circulators,” Secretary of State spokeswoman Jackie Ourada said.
There are over 200 individuals who have filed to have their signatures removed from a petition, most coming from the Protect Women and Children petition. It was stated that voters have faced a lot of misguidance and misinformation regarding this issue, and they're being urged to consider whether they support the ballot they signed. This is an urgent time for circulators as petitions are due by 5 p.m. on July 3rd.
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