LINCOLN- A small group of senators attempted a filibuster to prevent more than $28 million in budget cuts from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services and the Legislative Council. LB 2 trims about $117 million from state agencies, including $25 million from HHS and $3.5 million from the Legislative Council. Senators Conrad and Machaela Cavanaugh led the charge arguing the importance of protecting legislative autonomy along with Senator Dungan who was concerned with what services would be disrupted at HHS due to the cuts.

The filibuster was met with opposition from Senator Clements, Chair of the Appropriations Committee, and Senator Linehan, Chair of the Revenue Committee, both echoing that the cuts proposed would not hinder services. They argued that the funding cuts are coming from inefficiencies within the agencies and are needed to support the property tax relief in LB 34.

However, Senator Vargas, a member of the Appropriations Committee, did not believe that the cuts to HHS were transparent and requested more information to see the impacts of cutting the funds. Senator Conrad saw the cuts as unnecessary and performative, saying that the legislature could consider cuts in the regular session in January. Ultimately, LB 2 advanced on a 33-11 vote.

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