LINCOLN- Nebraska State Senator Carol Blood of Bellevue has introduced Legislative Resolution 1CA, a constitutional amendment aimed at preventing future unfunded or underfunded mandates on local governments by requiring state reimbursement for new programs or increased levels of service. This resolution, which is Blood's third attempt at such legislation, has received unanimous support from the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. Blood argues that without state reimbursement, local governments are forced to raise property taxes to cover these mandates, citing examples such as election administration and student health exams.
Supporters of LR 1CA, including Jon Cannon, executive director of the Nebraska Association of County Officials, and Tim Gay, a lobbyist for Sarpy County, emphasize the financial burden these mandates place on local governments, estimating significant costs like Sarpy County’s $15 million annual unfunded mandates. They believe the resolution could lead to better fiscal planning and cooperation with lawmakers. Despite broad support, the measure faces scheduling challenges, with Speaker John Arch prioritizing other legislature, delaying debate on LR 1CA until potentially later in the session.
Historically, local governments have faced numerous unfunded mandates, with minimal state reimbursement, as noted by Lynn Rex, executive director of the League of Nebraska Municipalities. The proposed amendment aims to eliminate this by ensuring future mandates are fully funded by the state, preventing the financial strain on local entities. Blood, in her final legislative term, urges constituents to advocate for the resolution, expressing frustration at the lack of progress and emphasizing the importance of allowing voters to decide on this critical issue.
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