LINCOLN- The Nebraska Legislature will be finalizing its plan for property tax relief over the weekend as adjournment until Monday was called for on Wednesday. This is because the Revenue Committee needs more time to craft its new approach to tax reform. After State Senator Lou Ann Linehan motioned for adjourning until Monday, it passed on a 33-11 vote.
The new tax relief plan is intended to be a rewrite of Legislative Bill 9, which was planned to be the subject of debate this week. In addressing an amendment, lawmakers require more time to present a sufficient approach. Although it may seem like legislators are taking the weekend off, they are working diligently to provide property tax relief to Nebraskans.
Linehan has said that she will spend time meeting with key senators to negotiate her plan and try to earn the votes needed to get reform passed into law. Many legislators have expressed frustrations with the process, but want to achieve something and not waste the state's resources while in session. “We’re to the point where we can’t just come and complain about the bill,” Linehan said.
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