LINCOLN- A total of $414,706 in awards will go to Nebraska organizations to recruit talent as part of the state’s “Good Life is Calling” campaign. The Nebraska Department of Economic Development, in announcing winning proposals Thursday, said it launched the campaign in 2021 to promote the state’s quality of life and career opportunities. Last year, the Legislature approved Gov. Jim Pillen’s funding request to carry out the next phase, designed as a more targeted recruitment of out-of-state talent. Winning proposals, which range from local governments to businesses, are to provide matching funds.

DED Director K.C. Belitz, in a news release, said his agency is excited to partner with organizations statewide on initiatives to “promote the Good Life.” Here is a list of the awardees:

  • Midland University, $85,000

  • Greater Omaha Chamber, $75,000

  • Hastings College, $50,000

  • South Sioux City, $50,000

  • York County Development Corp., $47,800

  • Cheyenne County Chamber Foundation, $29,500

  • Major Talent, $20,000

  • Marble Technologies, $15,000

  • Lincoln Literacy, $14,406

  • JT Martin, $9,000

  • Boone County, $8,000

  • Falls City, $6,000

  • Knox County, $5,000

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